Make optimal use of the screen in your meeting room
Your meeting rooms can also play an important role in enriching the employee and visitor journey through your company buildings. A large digital presentation screen already hangs against the wall in every meeting room. You can show valuable content to the participants before or after the meeting by means of a smart data link. You can even personalize the messages thanks to a link with your agenda system.
The power of digital signage
Digital signage (with interactive applications or otherwise) plays an important role in shaping this employee and visitor journey. Inspiring messages with a strong content lead to committed employees, which is great for output. Visitors can get acquainted with your company’s winning assets and possibilities through storytelling or marketing.
Inform your visitors and employees
A meeting seldom starts right on time. You often have to wait in the meeting premises when visiting a company, while the other attendants of the meeting are informed about your presence. Under no circumstances should you let this waiting time go to waste. Seize the chance to provide an extra contact point in the employee and visitor journey by showing an informative clip with nice facts and figures for instance:
What to show in the meeting rooms
The possibilities of using digital presentation screens in your meeting rooms are particularly varied. The combination with your agenda system will enable you to welcome the attendees personally. Other possibilities include e.g. tips and tricks on how to conduct meetings efficiently. You can inspire visitors with a view to branding using recruiting and appealing company and product videos. You can show the current traffic information once the meeting is brought to a close.
You can provide relevant traffic information in no time with an automatic link as soon as the meeting is over:

How to show content automatically
When you use Appspace as a content platform to manage your digital signage, you can link with the Creston and Cisco multimedia equipment in your meeting room without extra investments. In this way, you maximize the return on existing investments in hardware and software. With limited extra effort for content creation, you increase the range of your digital signage substantially.
To find out more about the possibilities of enriching the employee and visitor journey with your meeting room, contact me via wdebal@dobit.com or 014 285 781.
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