Involve and engage your employees regardless of time and place!
Nothing is worth more than a satisfied and involved employee! They are more productive, more enthusiastic, less frequently ill, and, what is also important, they in turn do their utmost to keep the customer satisfied!
But how do you keep your employees involved, when working at home has become a hot issue and flexible hours and co-working places are gaining in popularity? How can you still create that strong team feeling? And how do you keep your employee informed and committed?
Digital communication via screens and mobile telephone
Digital screen communication is already one possibility for bridging the physical distance. You can inform and engage your employees in no time with dynamic messages on screens set up in strategic locations throughout your organization (from coffee corners to offices). You can keep it ‘nice and simple’ but you can also create a WOW effect by setting up a video wall or atypical screen configuration.

But things get even better when all this information is also accessible for employees who do not happen to be at the office at that moment. By making this communication available also via the mobile telephone all employees can avail themselves of this information whenever and from wherever they want. In this way, every employee can remain involved with the ins and outs of your organization, regardless of the physical distance!

Appspace is the ideal platform for informing and engaging your employees. With this tool, you also get the right message across through various channels, from digital screens to an employee app on the mobile telephone. Discover some of the features of Appspace here or contact me for more information without any obligation by sending an e-mail to wdebal@dobit.com.
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