Digital signage Torfs | DOBIT

Digital signage

Via digital information screens & digital billboards

Do you want to completely immerse your customer in your brand identity while they’re in your shop? Or do you want to welcome, inform, and inspire visitors to your business dynamically? Then digital signage, also known as narrowcasting, is the way to go!

What is digital signage or narrowcasting?

Digital signage or narrowcasting is the broadcasting of a tailored message via (interactive) digital information screens for a specific target group. This kind of communication through screens is sometimes called screen communication.


In other words, you control who gets to see what message, at what time, and in what location. This makes digital signage (or narrowcasting) a hugely powerful communication channel for both shops and businesses to inform, entertain, and engage employees, customers, and visitors.

How can you use digital information screens?

Information screens or digital billboards lend themselves to a variety of objectives in various sectors. Digital screen communication is an enormously powerful communication channel both in the retail sector as well as in a corporate environment.

Digital signage examples in retail

Digital signage in retail

Digital signage is ubiquitous in retail. More and more shops are focusing on this dynamic communication channel. For instance, digital screen communication lends itself perfectly to immersing customers completely in the brand identity and boosting the in-store experience. In addition, digital signage messages are quickly adaptable and therefore also ideal for communicating new product promotions or highlighting certain products. In short, the options are endless:

  • Highlighting inspiring brand videos
  • Promoting new products and collections
  • Communicating different opening hours
  • Suggesting promotions & actions
Digital signage examples in corporate

Digital signage in corporate

Even in corporate organisations, more and more companies are opting for digital signage. From welcoming customers and visitors to a full-fledged communication channel to support internal communication. Again, digital information screens are multipurpose:

  • Welcoming and informing visitors

  • Informing employees of the latest company news

  • Communicating the weather forecast, traffic information, live news feed, social media, etc.

  • Communicate sales targets and KPIs to employees

  • Signposting

Tips for a good digital signage project

Convinced of the benefits of information screens for your shop or business but not sure where to start? We’ve already listed three important aspects for a successful digital signage project.

Digital signage workshops

Tip 1: well begun…


…is half done. The same certainly applies to a good digital signage project. By thinking in advance about the number of digital signage screens, location, and purpose, among other things, you will lay a good foundation for your project. Based on our Return on Message methodology, we guide you in the realisation of a well-thought-out digital signage project.

Digital signage CMS

Tip 2: choose the right CMS system


A good Content Management System (CMS) makes or breaks your digital signage project. Therefore, it’s important to determine in advance which features should definitely not be missing from your CMS system. Are certain links with your audio system, intranet, or social media required? Do you (not) need an employee app that translates digital signage messages one-to-one to mobile devices?

We will be happy to help you find a CMS system that fully meets your needs. Contact us for more info.

Tip 3: digital signage content is king!


Want to create real impact with your target audience? So be sure to pay enough attention to the content for your digital signage screens. ;-) Make sure your message doesn’t get lost among all the fun animations, splashy layouts, and surprising transitions.

Our creative team enjoys working with your message and translating it into an animation that completely matches your brand identity, purpose, and target audience. Want to know more? Take a look here or contact for more information.

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Deploying digital signage?

We’ll be happy to help!

Are you convinced of the potential of digital signage and want to use it for your shop or business? Or do you need some extra information or inspiration? Contact us. We’ll be happy to help!